Friday, May 29, 2009

what birth control does to the inside?

Birth control is a mix of other hormones, progesterone and estrogen. They try and prevent ovulation from happening at a higher level. Without a peak in estrogen, then the ovary doesn’t get the signal to release an egg … no egg means no possibility for fertilization(sperm goes inside and egg) and pregnancy. They also thicken the cervical mucus(the whit stuff that sometimes comes out on womans underwear) so the sperm cannot reach the egg.
And you most definitely take birth control everyday if you want to avoid ovulation and pregnancy.Birth control is just a tiny pill that comes ina pack of 30 ... one per day for a month.
thats what the picture for my last blog was trying to explain.


  1. I like you're blog, you say alot and explain how it happens. I had to read it over twice because you used alot of technical words but it's still packed with information. I think it has the most information out of the blogs i have seen. Nice blog! check out my blog. :)

  2. I am curious what method you will use for your presentation...web page? magazine? CD case & song?...tell me about that.

    I agree with Phil that you included good information. You mentioned something today about the pill and preventing acne. Tell me more about that. Were you suggesting that people could or should use it for that?
    Mrs. K

  3. Why thank you phill :)
    i sure will check yours out!

    i am using a web page for my project.
    yes i will put something in there about acne in my next blog.
    thanks for the comments
